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Corporate Political Responsibility

Today’s manifold political crises also impact the fundaments of economic success. It is therefore in the enlightened self-interest of companies to strive not only for social and ecological, but also for political sustainability.

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Companies are already political actors, because as employers, innovators or lobbyists they influence social structures. Nevertheless, the big questions in the political space between government, parliament, NGOs and science pose an enormous challenge for many companies. Our experience shows: Saying what you want prevents mistrust. Openly declaring that you act politically is more convincing than superficial neutrality.

We support you in sharpening your profile in the public space and in developing a strategy for how best to meet the socio-political expectations of your stakeholders. Think of our CPR service as a CEO planning staff. We will show you ways to leverage your resources and expertise for win-win solutions between business and society. At its core, our service for you is to position your company as a co-creator of public goods - to your own advantage. A prerequisite is the systematic development of the socio-political dimension of your brand (see Political Branding).


Scientific &


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Melden Sie sich gern bei weiterführendem Interesse an CPR und gesellschaftspolitischer Markenbildung (Political Branding). Für Unternehmen, so unsere Überzeugung, liegt darin ein Business Case.

Erfolgreiches Wirtschaften lebt auch von politischen Voraussetzungen wie Toleranz, Vielfalt und Weltoffenheit. Der Erfolg nationalistischer Kräfte macht deutlich, dass diese demokratischen Errungenschaften zunehmend unter Druck stehen. 


Für Unternehmen ist der Umgang mit der AfD eine anspruchsvolle Herausforderung. Deshalb haben wir dazu einen Leitfaden verfasst, den Sie hier kostenlos herunterladen können.

Wie hältst Du's mit der AfD?

Ein Leitfaden für Unternehmen

Societal dialogue

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BOHNEN Public Affairs is the co-organizer of the event series "CPR-Forum".

The first edition in 2024 was held under the motto: "Mut zur Positionierung. Warum Demokratie Unternehmen braucht - und andersherum!"


Political Branding for Companies

Business success requires stable institutions and functioning public goods. In addition, employees, customers, and consumers increasingly expect corporations to view themselves as sociopolitical actors and to assume responsibility for the common good. Politics is thus a business case. A first step on the road to action should be the recognition that companies are already political actors – in their roles as employers, innovators and lobbyists. 

(Click on the image  to enlarge)

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Nation branding

We support you by systematically developing your political brand based on your company’s strengths and managing it in specific fields of action. These include CEO activism, fostering debating culture, and political education. We call this operationalization of a CPR stance Political Branding. 


We know from experience: Those who take credible action to strengthen the public realm sharpen their public profile, differentiate themselves from their competitors, and create novel connections with stakeholders. In this way, CPR is a win-win proposition for companies and society.  

BOHNEN Public Affairs initiated the CPR Essay Prize for students around the globe. In its first edition 2024, participants called on CEOs to enter the political arena. 

International CPR Essay Prize

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